Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 9 EOC: The Apartment

In the movie, their was many cases of Quid Pro Quo Harassment.  Their was a lot of gestures being said and acted upon the women workers that work there.  “Most HR managers and the organizations for which they work for would agree that they have a moral obligation to ensure that their workplaces are free from unnecessary hazards and that conditions in the workplace are safe for employees' physical and mental health. Regardless of whether they agree about moral responsibility, they all must recognize their legal responsibilities to ensure healthful working conditions.”( Hayes, D. and Ninemeier, J. (2008). Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry Wiley-Pg332).  The elevator girl got slapped in the butt in front of other co-workers by one of the head bosses.  There was a lot of people using personal time during company hours.  Mr. Sheldrick used the Quid Pro Quo Harassment just like the others, just to get sometime with Fran.  “Bullying. Harassment that can occur on the playground, in the workforce, or any other place. Usually, physical and psychological harassing behavior is perpetrated against an individual, by one or more persons.”( Hayes, D. and Ninemeier, J. (2008). Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry" Wiley-Pg339).  There is a lot of bullying within the workplace, people will do close to anything to get what they want out of another person.  Such as, Mr. Sheldrick using threats on his employees to get what he wants.  Even though he is the boss, and he should set the example of how to work with one another.  “In U.S. legal terms, sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Such environments are unsafe for employees both physically and mentally. In real-life terms, harassing behavior ranges from repeated offensive or belittling jokes to outright physical assault. In the hospitality industry, workers can be subject to extreme forms of harassment by coworkers and customers.”( Hayes, D. and Ninemeier, J. (2008).  In the end, Mr. Sheldrick got what it was coming to him.  His secretary that he fired, because she threatened his mistress.  So, the secretary called his wife to meet up with her and inform her of her husband's infidelities.  Fraternizing with another employee was very common in this company, and they didn't seem too care about the day to day happenings of the business. 

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